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U.S. C-section rates exceed 30% despite high risk of problems

On Behalf of | Jun 27, 2022 | Birth Injuries

When women across Texas and the rest of the United States give birth in a clinic or hospital, they face a high chance of having to deliver their babies via Cesarean section. While the World Health Organization believes that C-section births are necessary in a certain percentage of cases, studies show that, in many parts of the world, including the United States, the number of babies born via C-section is far higher than it should be.

According to NPR, the WHO asserts that C-section deliveries are likely necessary in somewhere between about 10% and 15% of all births. Yet, in the United States, 32% of babies are born via this method. The number of babies born via C-section has also tripled since 1990 despite the fact that C-section deliveries come with a much higher risk of complications for mothers and babies.

Why C-sections are riskier than traditional births

C-sections heighten birth injury risks for mothers as well as babies. Moms who deliver babies via C-section are more likely to experience complications along the way, some of which may prove life-threatening. A mother’s risk of cardiac arrest, uterine rupture and bleeding all increase with a C-section delivery. Babies delivered via C-section are also more prone to certain problems including respiratory issues and heightened chances of becoming obese or developing an autoimmune disease later on.

Why C-sections continue to grow in popularity

Many believe a combination of factors is leading to higher C-section rates. Hospitals and doctors get more money for C-section deliveries than traditional ones. They are also faster than traditional births and often less likely to lead to lawsuits.

Expectant mothers planning to deliver babies in particular hospitals may want to ask what the C-section delivery rates are at those hospitals before having their babies there.

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