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4 signs of post-surgery negligence

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2023 | Surgical Errors

Post-surgery negligence can have serious consequences for patients, leading to prolonged suffering and complications.

It is important to be aware of potential signs of post-surgery negligence to protect yourself or a loved one.

1. Unrelenting pain

Excessive and unrelenting pain following surgery can be a red flag. Pain is a normal part of the post-operative process, but it should gradually improve as you recover. If your pain intensifies, persists or is not adequately managed, it may indicate a problem.

2. Infections and wound issues

Infections are a common concern after surgery, but vigilant care can prevent them. If you notice signs like redness, swelling, warmth or unusual discharge around the surgical site, it may signify a post-surgery infection. Negligence in maintaining sterile conditions during the procedure, improper wound care, or inadequate follow-up can contribute to these issues.

3. Alarming changes in vital signs

Monitoring vital signs is crucial during the post-operative period. Sudden spikes or drops in blood pressure, heart rate, or oxygen levels can be alarming signs of negligence. Healthcare providers must promptly address any deviations from normal ranges to prevent complications or organ damage. Failure to do so can lead to severe health consequences.

4. Delayed recovery

A delayed or halted recovery is perhaps the most concerning sign of post-surgery negligence. If you are not making the expected progress in your recuperation, it is important to investigate the cause. Negligence in follow-up care, rehabilitation planning or post-operative guidance can hinder your healing process and jeopardize your long-term health.

According to the World Health Organization, 10% of preventable patient harm happens in a surgical setting, including pre-and post-surgery. While healthcare providers strive to deliver optimal care, post-surgery negligence is a risk that patients should be aware of.

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