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5 potential long-term illnesses resulting from a TBI

On Behalf of | Jan 12, 2024 | Personal Injury

Motor vehicle accidents can lead to a variety of injuries. One of the most severe and life-altering consequences is a traumatic brain injury.

Beyond the immediate impact, TBIs can trigger long-term illnesses that persist for an extended duration.

1. Cognitive impairment

A TBI can disrupt normal cognitive functions, affecting memory, attention and problem-solving abilities. Individuals with TBIs may struggle with learning new information or retaining existing memories. Concentration becomes a challenge. This hinders daily tasks and work responsibilities.

2. Mood disorders

TBIs often bring about changes in emotional well-being. This can lead to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. The disruption to the brain’s intricate balance may cause persistent feelings of sadness or fear. Coping with daily stressors becomes more difficult, affecting personal relationships and overall mental health.

3. Motor skill deficits

Damage to the brain can result in impaired motor skills, affecting coordination, balance and fine motor control. Individuals may experience difficulty walking, performing routine activities or engaging in recreational pursuits.

4. Speech and communication challenges

A traumatic brain injury can impact the language centers of the brain, creating speech and communication difficulties. Expressing thoughts coherently or understanding spoken or written language may become challenging.

5. Sensory processing issues

Some individuals with TBIs may encounter sensory processing issues. This is where the brain struggles to interpret and respond to sensory stimuli. It can result in heightened sensitivity to light, sound or touch.

Every year 1.56 million people sustain a TBI. While some only take a little time to recover from, others lead to lifetime illnesses. That makes seeking compensation an important step to take.

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