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How doctors should diagnose and prevent cerebral palsy

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2018 | Birth Injuries

There are few scenarios more tragic than realizing a child has a disorder that a health care provider could have prevented. This is the reality that many parents face, though, when their child receives a cerebral palsy diagnosis. When symptoms such as underdeveloped motor skills, difficulties communicating and overactive reflexes appear, cerebral palsy may be to blame.

This disorder is not genetic, but rather, it is often caused by a brain injury. Doctors and medical professionals should do their part in preventing this disorder, but too often, they are actually the cause. Here are some ways doctors may reduce the risk of cerebral palsy.

Monitor brain development

Sometimes cerebral palsy appears after birth, but it can also be apparent before or during birth. If a baby does not receive enough oxygen or essential nutrients when it is in the womb, it may develop the disorder as a result. It is the responsibility of the doctor to monitor brain development and address risk factors which may make cerebral palsy development more likely.

Choose the correct birth method

There is conflicting research considering whether Caesarian section births lower the risk of cerebral palsy. The medical community has previously assumed that this is true, but according to Science Daily, C-sections do not necessarily produce a meaningful reduction in risk. Still, it is vital that doctors choose the birthing method that is the safest for both mother and baby, and failure to do so can result in cerebral palsy.

Avoid birthing injuries

Choosing the right birthing method is also important to reduce injuries that can occur during birth. If a baby is not in the correct position prior to birth, for example, continuing with a vaginal birth can inflict trauma that causes injury or a disorder such as cerebral palsy. The doctor should choose the best birthing method according to the needs of the mother and child.
