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Klumpke paralysis birth injury often responds to timely treatment

On Behalf of | Sep 6, 2019 | Birth Injuries

Difficult births in Texas occasionally result in birth injuries, like Klumpke paralysis. This paralysis limits an infant’s ability to use the affected shoulder and arm. Damage to the nerves of the brachial plexus that happen during birth cause the partial paralysis. In some cases, a baby might have a drooping eye as well. Most infants have a chance of regaining most function if they receive appropriate treatment.

The severity of the injury determines the course of treatment. Stretch injuries of the nerves usually heal after the infant’s arm has been immobilized for 7 to 10 days. Massage and range-of-motion exercises also provide useful therapies. Babies with stretch injuries typically recover in four to six months. Nerves that experience tears and ruptures generally need surgery to repair the damage. Surgeons sometimes must transfer tendons to the injury site to rebuild the necessary tissue connections. Without surgery, the infant cannot hope to regain function.

To detect the extent of the injury, a physician performs a physical exam. X-rays and additional tests should determine the exact amount of nerve damage.

In the critical period following delivery, a parent relies on medical staff to detect and treat any problems that an infant might develop. A failure to diagnose an injury and offer proper treatment could represent medical malpractice. Inappropriate actions by medical staff during the delivery that resulted in birth injuries might also justify legal action. An attorney who litigates medical cases might advise a parent about how to make a malpractice claim. An attorney may collect testimony from an independent medical professional who has reviewed the relevant medical records. This information might support an insurance claim or lawsuit meant to pay for a parent or infant’s care.

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