Complications during childbirth can affect the health of both mother and child. Uterine rupture is one possible complication that requires timely medical treatment to prevent more serious effects from occurring.
When symptoms of a ruptured uterus arise, medical staff must monitor the health of the mother to ensure they offer the best possible solution. It is also important that pregnant women understand this risk, so they can advocate for their health and the health of their unborn baby.
What causes uterine ruptures?
Uterine tissue is quite flexible, which allows it to expand during pregnancy and contract after giving birth. If the tissue does expand to accommodate the size of the baby, rupture may occur. There are numerous causes of this birthing complication, including the size of the baby compared to the size of the uterus. Physical trauma, previous surgical procedures, and genetic abnormalities can also play a role.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms include significant pain that comes on suddenly and serious vaginal bleeding. Contractions may continue unabated, while medical staff may detect some level of fetal distress. This includes a diminished heartbeat, which is a serious medical emergency.
How is this condition treated?
The delivery needs to progress as quickly as possible after detecting a uterine rupture. In addition to providing the baby care for issues sustained as a result of the rupture, it also allows medical staff to close the rupture site with sutures or stitches. Medical staff may also prescribe medication to control pain and discomfort.
It is not always possible to prevent uterine rupture. However, it is up to your OB-GYN to identify any possible risks and intervene as appropriate, such as by recommending a cesarean delivery.